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Meet Katherine Crosby 

"The author of every book is a fictitious character whom the existent author invents to make him the author of his fictions." -Italo Calvino 

For this project, I took the argument in my previous piece, The Case for Calvino, and translated it into a new medium, for the same audience. The medium I chose was Twitter.

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Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 9.24.05 PM.png

You can see her Twitter here

Read more about the making of this project.

Check out the annotated bibliography for the unoriginal content. 

Postmodernism can be confusing and dense, and I thought it would be more approachable and disgestable in this short format. Moreover, the discontinuity of Twitter allowed me to experiment with the many different thematic concerns of the genre. 

I created a fictional author, Katherine Crosby, and tweeted her postmodern thoughts. I also tweeted pictures and links that Katherine found useful, interesting, and relevant, and I retweeted quotations from well-known postmodern authors that inspired her. Consequently, Katherine's timeline presents a diverse picture of postmodernism. 

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